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Biblical Hebrew 2

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Credits: 1

Prerequisite: Biblical Hebrew 1 or equivalent

Recommended: 8th grade through adult

This course is designed for high school students, but can be used by parents or as families. Please note that the use of this course, like the rest of Easy Peasy All-In-One Homeschool/High School, is FREE.

Welcome to our second-year course in Biblical Hebrew! This is a full-year (180 lesson) course for students who are serious about learning the original language of the Hebrew Bible.  It is intended to be a continuation of our Biblical Hebrew 1 course. We will continue to learn new grammatical concepts, acquire new vocabulary, practice reading verses, and start to explore the spiritual and historical significance of what we are learning. We will also practice using online Hebrew-language tools to enable students to continue reading the Hebrew Bible and improving their Hebrew skills after the conclusion of the course. As always, most lessons include a video by me (David Giles, husband of Easy Peasy creator Lee Giles) as well as other materials such as vocabulary lists, online flashcards, and worksheets.

I would love to hear from you! If you have any feedback/suggestions, please email me at

Index of Lessons (includes lesson subject and new vocabulary)

There is a Printables packet for this course.





Lesson 1

  1. Welcome back to Hebrew! I hope you enjoy this second-year course. As always, please write to me anytime if you have any feedback.
  2. We have a printables book for this course if you don’t want to print.
  3. We’re going to start by talking a bit more about construct chains. But first, let’s review what we already know about them.
  4. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 3 (from Biblical Hebrew 1). We want to make sure we’re periodically seeing the words we’ve previously learned. Throughout the course we’ll also try to practice with verses which use vocabulary we already know.

Lesson 2

  1. I want to encourage you to take a little extra time and effort; pause me BEFORE I read the example verses aloud in the videos, and do your best to read the verses aloud yourself. Then you can check your reading against mine. At this stage you should be reading aloud often and getting more comfortable with it.
  2. Watch the video to practice construct chains a bit more with a new vocabulary word and some important expressions related to God’s presence.
  3. You can find a list of new vocabulary words from Lessons 2 – 10 on Lesson 10.

Lesson 3

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to definite construct chains and a new vocabulary word.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 4 (from Biblical Hebrew 1).

Lesson 4

  1. Watch the video for more on definite construct chains with proper nouns, and a new vocabulary word.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 5 (from Biblical Hebrew 1).

Lesson 5

  1. Watch the video for more on definite and indefinite construct chain stuff; and a new vocabulary word.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 6 (from Biblical Hebrew 1).

Lesson 6

  1. Watch the video to review definite vs. indefinite construct chains and vocabulary, using verses. There’s a verse in today’s lesson you may want to memorize in Hebrew!

Lesson 7

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to the idea of nominal sentences in Hebrew, and a new vocabulary word from Psalm 23.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 7 (from Biblical Hebrew 1).

Lesson 8

  1. Watch the video for more discussion of nominal sentences in Hebrew, and an important vocabulary item.
  2. Optional: read more in-depth about the deep meaning of the word “HESED” which we learned today.
  3. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 8 (from Biblical Hebrew 1).

Lesson 9

  1. Watch the video for more discussion of nominal sentences (the 3 levels of definiteness), and a new vocabulary word.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 9 (from Biblical Hebrew 1).

Lesson 10* (Note that an asterisk * indicates that there is one or more worksheets or vocabulary lists to print for this lesson.)

  1. Watch the video for a bit more about nominal sentences and how they relate to construct chains, and a new vocabulary word of course!
  2. *Here is your vocabulary list for new vocabulary from Lessons 2-10. This is Vocabulary List 22. Note that the numbering of the vocabulary lists continues on from Biblical Hebrew 1 without starting over.
  3. Here are flashcards for Vocabulary List 22 .

Lesson 11

  1. Watch the video to review nominal sentences and our new vocabulary with verses.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 10.

Lesson 12

  1. Watch the video for a bit more review of nominal sentences and vocabulary with verses.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 11.

Lesson 13

  1. Watch the video to learn about “ethnic suffixes” and the Canaanites.
  2. Note that you can find Vocabulary List 23, with vocabulary from this lesson through Lesson 20, on Lesson 20.
  3. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 12.

Lesson 14

  1. Watch the video to practice more “ethnic suffixes” and read some verses about the Philistines.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 13.

Lesson 15

  1. We’re going to be learning an interesting new thing that Hebrew does with prepositions. But first, let’s review what we know so far about prepositions. Watch the video to review single-letter prefix prepositions.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 14.

Lesson 16

  1. Watch the video to review the full-word prepositions we know so far, and learn a new one.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 15.

Lesson 17

  1. Before you watch today’s video, take a few minutes to review the possessive endings we learned previously. You’ll need to have a good grasp of these to follow what we’re going to do with prepositions.
  2. Now watch the video to see what happens when we combine prepositions with the possessive endings.

Lesson 18

  1. Watch the video for some examples of verses using the preposition + possessive ending combination we learned about in the last lesson.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 16.

Lesson 19

  1. Watch the video for some verses showing some of the issues involved in understanding and translating prepositions in Hebrew. We’ll also learn a new preposition.
  2. Review these flashcards from Vocabulary List 17.

Lesson 20**

  1. Watch the video to clear up some confusion on small similar-sounding words we’ve come across, and to add a few more new words to the mix!
  2. *Here is a list of the small confusing words we covered in today’s lesson, for your reference. Notice especially the differences in alef vs. ayin, and in tsere vs. segol.
  3. *This is the list of new vocabulary terms from Lessons 13 – 20. This is Vocabulary List 23.
  4. Here are flashcards for Vocabulary List 23.

Lesson 21

  1. Watch the video for a few new vocabulary words with example verses, and a mini current events lesson!
  2. Your vocabulary list for this section will be found on Lesson 24.

Lesson 22

  1. Watch the video for a couple more new vocabulary words, with example verses.

Lesson 23

  1. Watch the video for a few more useful vocabulary items, with verses.

Lesson 24*

  1. Watch the video to review our recent vocabulary words.
  2. *Here is your Vocabulary List 24, with words from Lessons 21 – 23.
  3. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 24.
  4. For extra practice, write the new words out in Hebrew at least one time each.

Lesson 25

  1. It’s time to dive into verbs! Watch the video for an introduction to Hebrew verbs and the QATAL conjugation. We’ll also review all the verbs we know so far.
  2. Review these flashcards on verbs from Vocabulary List 19.

Lesson 26

  1. Watch the video to learn about the he/she forms for the QATAL conjugation. We’ll also learn a new common verb.
  2. Take a moment to review the personal pronouns we learned earlier. You’ll find that the QATAL suffixes sometimes remind you of the personal pronouns.
  3. FYI, in Lesson 31 you will find a chart of all the QATAL forms we’ll be learning.
  4. In Lesson 34 you’ll find Vocabulary List 25 for words from lessons 26 to 34.

Lesson 27

  1. Watch the video to learn about the I/we forms for the QATAL conjugation. We’ll also learn a new verb.
  2. Take another moment to review the personal pronouns we learned earlier. Especially compare the personal pronouns “I” and “We” to the QATAL endings we learned today. What are the similarities? How are they different from each other?

Lesson 28

  1. Watch the video to learn about the singular “you” forms of QATAL. We’ll also learn a new verb.
  2. Take another moment to review the personal pronouns we learned earlier. Especially compare the singular personal pronouns meaning “you” to the QATAL endings we learned today. What are the similarities? How are they different from each other?

Lesson 29

  1. Watch the video to learn about the plural “you” forms of QATAL. We’ll also learn a new verb.

Lesson 30

  1. Watch the video to learn the “they” form of QATAL. This is your last QATAL form! You’ll also learn a new verb in today’s lesson.

Lesson 31**

  1. Watch the video to review the personal suffixes of the QATAL forms.
  2. *Here is a chart of all the QATAL forms of the verb הָלַךְ to help you review their form, pronunciation, and meaning.
  3. *You can print this sheet and practice writing (and saying) the different QATAL forms.

Lesson 32

  1. Watch the video to review different QATAL forms for some of the verbs we’ve learned so far.
  2. Take a few minutes to review your flashcards from Vocabulary List 22.

Lesson 33

  1. Watch the video to learn more about translating the QATAL conjugation, and learn a new verb.
  2. Take a few minutes to review your flashcards from Vocabulary List 23.

Lesson 34

  1. Watch the video to learn two new verbs and the Hebrew word for “grace.”

Lesson 35*

  1. Watch the video to practice our QATAL verb forms with verse snippets.
  2. *Here is your Vocabulary List 25, with new words from Lessons 26 through 34.
  3. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 25.

Lesson 36

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to demonstrative pronouns.

Lesson 37

  1. Watch the video to continue learning about demonstrative pronouns.

Lesson 38

  1. Watch the video to learn about the plural form of the demonstrative pronoun.

Lesson 39

  1. Watch the video to review all the forms of the demonstrative pronoun we’ve covered (this/these), and learn an important word.
  2. Take a few moments to review your flashcards from Vocabulary List 24.

Lesson 40

  1. It’s time for a new verb conjugation! We’ll start talking about the YIQTOL conjugation today. Watch the video to learn what YIQTOL is and learn a useful new verb.

Lesson 41

  1. Watch the video to dive into the first of the YIQTOL forms (the “he” form). We’ll also quickly review the difference between QATAL and YIQTOL, and learn a new verb.
  2. Please feel free to write to me at with any questions, comments, or suggestions! I’d love to know that you’ve gotten this far in the course and how you are feeling about it.

Lesson 42

  1. Watch the video to learn the “she” form in the YIQTOL conjugation, along with a new verb.

Lesson 43

  1. Watch the video to learn the “I” and “we” forms of the YIQTOL conjugation, along with a new verb.

Lesson 44

  1. Watch the video to learn the singular “you” forms of the YIQTOL conjugation, and a new verb.

Lesson 45

  1. Watch the video to learn the plural “you” forms of the YIQTOL conjugation, and a new verb that may be the source of your name or that of someone you know!

Lesson 46

  1. Watch the video to learn the “they” forms of the YIQTOL conjugation. We’ll also learn how to say “what” in Hebrew.

Lesson 47**

  1. Watch the video to review all the YIQTOL forms of the verb meaning “to reign.” We’ll also practice saying them using the example root letters.
  2. *Here is a chart of all the YIQTOL forms using “to reign” as our example verb. As you learn these forms, focus on the prefixes and suffixes, and note carefully which forms are identical with each other.
  3. *Here is your Vocabulary List 26 (Lessons 36-46).
  4. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 26 (Lessons 36-46).

Lesson 48*

  1. *Print this worksheet and for each YIQTOL form, you will identify the person (subject of the verb), the root, and a possible translation for the form. You can refer to your vocabulary lists and your YIQTOL chart. If there are two possible translations for a given form, please write both.
  2. Watch the video to go over the answers to the worksheet.

Lesson 49

  1. Watch the video to review the QATAL forms and compare them with the YIQTOL forms.
  2. Get out your QATAL and YIQTOL charts you’ve hopefully printed, and make sure you’re very familiar with the forms. You can quiz yourself by covering up random forms and saying them aloud.

Lesson 50

  1. Watch the video to practice with both QATAL and YIQTOL forms together.
  2. Now go back and write all the QATAL and YIQTOL verbs from the video on a sheet of paper (in Hebrew letters of course). For each, circle any prefixes or suffixes, and write next to it whether it is QATAL or YIQTOL, and write the verb root (which will be three consonants).

Lesson 51

  1. Watch the video to practice verses with assorted QATAL and YIQTOL forms. Listen carefully for the word “shofar”!
  2. Now go back and write all the QATAL and YIQTOL verb I gave you in the video on a sheet of paper. Circle any prefixes or suffixes, write next to it QATAL or YIQTOL, and write the verb root next to it. If you have any trouble, listening to the video again should hopefully give you the information/clues you need to complete this.

Lesson 52

  1. Watch the video on the interrogative hei, with a little talk on sacrifice in the Bible.

Lesson 53

  1. Watch the video for more examples of interrogative hei, and a new vocabulary word.
  2. Take a few moments to review your vocabulary from Vocabulary List 25.

Lesson 54

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to the mind-blowing WAYYIQTOL form.
  2. You might be wondering why we spell the name of this form with a “w” but we pronounce it as “v.” There’s not really any good reason for that; the “w” spelling just seems to be the traditional way to spell it in English.

Lesson 55

  1. Watch the video for some review and practice with WAYYIQTOL and a new verb!

Lesson 56

  1. Watch the video to practice WAYYIQTOL with verses, and learn a new verb.

Lesson 57

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to the fourth conjugation, the WEQATAL conjugation! And a new verb, of course.

Lesson 58

  1. Watch the video to practice WEQATAL with a good “spiritual warfare” verse spoken by David to Goliath and the Philistines.

Lesson 59

  1. Watch the video to practice WEQATAL and WAYYIQTOL and two new vocabulary words.

Lesson 60**

  1. Watch the video for a little more practice with WEQATAL and WAYYIQTOL and two new vocabulary words.
  2. *Here is vocabulary list number 27 (Lessons 52 – 60).
  3. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 27 (Lessons 52 – 60).
  4. *Here is a fun worksheet to practice words from List 27. You may want to print this for future review.

Lesson 61

  1. Over the next four lessons, we’re going to be focusing on Psalm 19:14. We want to memorize it in Hebrew and learn five new words encountered in the verse. Here is a song you may enjoy from the Messianic group we heard from previously. The verse we are memorizing is included as part of the lyrics of the song, so feel free to use the song as an aid to memorization.
  2. Watch the video for an introduction to the Hebrew text of the verse and to your first two new words.
  3. Note that the vocabulary list for Lessons 61 – 70 will be found in Lesson 70.

Lesson 62

  1. Watch the video to continue memorizing Psalm 19:14 and to learn two more new words.
  2. You can use the song to help you with memorization if you want.

Lesson 63

  1. Watch the video to finish memorizing Psalm 19:14 and learn one new word.
  2. You can use the song to help you with memorization if you want.

Lesson 64

  1. Watch the video for some help practicing the whole verse (Psalm 19:14).
  2. Again, you can use the song to help you if you want.

Lesson 65

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to object suffixes.
  2. If you want to review the possessive suffixes (which are similar to the object suffixes we’re learning now), you can do so with this chart. This is the same chart you saw earlier when we were learning possessive suffixes.

Lesson 66

  1. Watch the video to learn the “you” forms of the object suffixes, and a useful vocabulary word.

Lesson 67

  1. Watch the video to learn the “he,” “she,” and “they” forms of the object suffixes, and a vocabulary word.

Lesson 68

  1. Watch the video to review object suffixes and compare/contrast them with other suffixes. You’ll also learn Hebrew words for “help.”

Lesson 69

  1. Watch the video for a look at the name “Ebenezer” and some words involving glory.
  2. Take a few moments to review your flashcards from Vocabulary List 26.

Lesson 70*

  1. Watch the video for three new vocabulary words!
  2. *Here is your vocabulary list for Lessons 61 – 70 (Vocabulary List 28).
  3. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 28 (Lessons 61 – 70).

Lesson 71

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to adding suffixes onto direct object markers. Hebrew is fun like that. You can add suffixes onto just about anything!
  2. If you’d like some extra practice with the normal “et” definite direct object marker, without any suffixes, here’s a fun way to do it. You can watch this video from Aleph with Beth for some practice entirely in Hebrew. You should know a lot of the words, but don’t worry if there are some you don’t know. Just try to observe how “et” indicates that a DEFINITE direct object follows, and try to pronounce aloud what you’re hearing! Here’s a little hint: the word “yesh” which you’ll hear in the video means “there is.”

Lesson 72

  1. Watch the video to practice more with adding suffixes to direct object markers.
  2. Today we read Exodus 8:28, where we saw the word בַּמִּדְבָּר (bamidbar), meaning “in the wilderness/desert.” If you like, you can listen to this song called “Bamidbar” by the Messianic Israeli group we met earlier. See how much of the Hebrew you can figure out, and enjoy the cool drone footage of Israel!

Lesson 73*

  1. *Let’s practice that suffixes-on-direct-object-marker thing with a worksheet. Please take time to read the verses aloud yourself. It may be a struggle and you may feel unsure about how to pronounce some words, but I promise that if you regularly try to read aloud you will improve a lot! Also try to pay attention to the other words in the verses. There will be some that you already know.
  2. After you’ve tried your best to find the suffixed direct object markers, watch this very short video to check your answers.

Lesson 74

  1. Quickly review your possessive endings to get ready for our next section.
  2. Now watch the video on PLURAL possessive endings.
  3. I’ll be giving you a chart of all the plural possessive endings in Lesson 78.

Lesson 75

  1. Watch the video on the “your” forms of the PLURAL possessive endings. You’ll also learn the verb for rejoicing! Make sure you take a moment to rejoice before the Lord.

Lesson 76

  1. Watch the video on the “his/her” forms of the PLURAL possessive suffixes.

Lesson 77

  1. Watch the video on the “their” forms of the PLURAL possessive suffixes, You’ll also read an entire, complete verse from Judges (fist bump!) and read the words of the Commander of the Lord’s Army from the book of Joshua in the original!

Lesson 78**

  1. *Here is your chart of all the PLURAL possessive suffixes, with pronunciation guide.
  2. *Do this worksheet to practice possessive suffixes, both plural and singular. Make sure you say the words out loud! Remember the clue I gave you to help you know whether a possessive suffix is singular or plural (HINT: yod!). When you’ve given it your best shot, check your answers on #3 below.
  3. Check your worksheet answers here.

Lesson 79

  1. Watch the video for a discussion of prepositions with suffixes. We talked about this before, but we’ll go a little deeper with it in the next few lessons.
  2. If you’re getting a bit tired of suffixes, hang in there! We’re almost done with them. A little sneak peek of what’s ahead very soon: we’re getting ready to read a whole chapter of Genesis in Hebrew!

Lesson 80

  1. Watch the video to continue learning about prepositions with suffixes. We’ll see some cool uses of the Hebrew word for “wings” to show God’s care for His people.

Lesson 81

  1. Watch the video to learn about the prepositions that take plural suffixes.

Lesson 82*

  1. Watch the video on a couple of common prepositions that behave in unusual ways, and read a WHOLE VERSE from the story of the flood (double fist bump!!).
  2. If you’d like some fun practice with the preposition “min” and some other words we’ve learned, you can watch this video from Aleph with Beth. Note that in Hebrew, instead of saying, for example, “She is bigger than him,” you would say “She is big from him.” That hint may help you understand the use of the preposition “min” in this story. It’s all in Hebrew, so don’t feel bad if you can’t get it all. If you listen to it several times, you’ll likely understand a bit more each time.
  3. *Here is a handy chart of all the prepositions we’ve learned, with additional information about singular/plural suffixes and any form changes you should be aware of.

Lesson 83**

  1. *Today we’ll practice all the prepositions and suffixes with this worksheet. Try to do as much as you can without referring to anything else. If you are stuck on any, you can look at the singular and plural suffix charts you have from earlier lessons, or the preposition chart (see Lesson 82).
  2. When you’ve done your best to translate all the words, check your answers here.
  3. *Here is your Vocabulary List 29, containing vocabulary from Lessons 71 to 82.
  4. Here are your flashcards to practice Vocabulary List 29.

Lesson 84

  1. Today we’re going to start learning Hebrew numbers! Watch this video from Aleph with Beth to learn numbers 1-5. You only need to watch till the 9:50 mark, although of course you’re welcome to watch the whole thing if you want. Repeat aloud after her. Pay attention to two things as you watch:
    1. There are masculine and feminine forms for each number. Remember that the word for male is pronounced ZAKHAR and the word for female is NeQEVAH. She uses those words to tell which form is masculine and which is feminine.
    2. There is a special form for “two” which is used in front of nouns. Note that numbers can also come after nouns.
  2. Remember, you don’t necessarily have to memorize all these forms perfectly; your main goal is to be able to recognize them, and be familiar with the differences between the masculine and feminine forms.
  3. You might notice that Beth’s pronunciation includes some very strange sounds that you might have trouble imitating; that’s because she’s pronouncing the ayin and alef letters as so-called “glottal stops,” as some speakers of Modern Hebrew do. We have not been pronouncing those consonants because many Modern Hebrew speakers do not, and because they’re really hard for English speakers (including me!).

Lesson 85

  1. Today we’ll learn numbers 6-10. Watch the video from Aleph with Beth to practice them. You only need to watch to the 10:22 mark. As we saw previously, there are masculine and feminine forms for each number. See how many other words you can understand or pick up as well. One especially useful one is SEFER (book, scroll), which is introduced in the beginning of the video.
  2. Hang in there with these numbers! Remember, you don’t have to know them perfectly, but try to get to the point where you can recognize them. If you’d like more practice, feel free to listen to the remainder of the video.
  3. A couple “interesting” things to note about the numbers:
    1. Numbers 1 -19 have different masculine and feminine forms.
    2. The masculine forms of the numbers from 3 up take the characteristic feminine ending (-AH), and the feminine forms of the numbers have no endings (as you would normally see with masculine nouns). In other words, they reverse their gender!
  4. We’re preparing to read a whole chapter in Hebrew which is chock full of numbers, so this stuff will be useful!

Lesson 86

  1. Today we’re focusing on numbers 11-39. Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it sounds, because they follow a pattern. You’ll be getting more practice with numbers 1-10 in the process!
  2. Watch this video from Aleph with Beth to practice the numbers 11-39. Just watch till the 8:54 point. In the next lesson we’ll continue on to higher numbers.
  3. Note that numbers like 20, 30, 40, etc., don’t change form for masculine and feminine. And they’re pretty easy to remember, because they are just like masculine plural forms of the related single-digit number. In other words, 30 is something like “threes,” and 40 would be “fours.”

Lesson 87

  1. Today we’ll finish up with numbers. We’re covering numbers up to 100.
  2. Watch the video from Aleph with Beth. You’ll start at the 12:46 point and watch till 14:35. Try to understand where she’s talking about people’s ages. Note that in Hebrew you say “He is a son of 90 years” or “She is a daughter of 6 years and 90 years” (for 96 years old).
  3. Here is a PDF with the numbers, for your reference. You can print it if you like. There’s a lot on here, but take at least 10 minutes now to review. Look at the patterns, how they fit together, how they change, etc. Remember, you don’t need to memorize all the forms actively; just be ready to recognize them.  Later we’ll be encountering certain numbers in the text we’re reading which occur often in Scripture, and we’ll talk about symbolic significance those numbers might have.

Lesson 88

  1. Today we’ll prepare ourselves to read a whole chapter of the Bible in Hebrew!
  2. Start by reading Genesis chapter 7 in English, in the translation of your choice. This is the chapter we’re going to read, and I want you to get familiar with what it’s saying in English before we attempt to read it in Hebrew. Hopefully you’re pretty familiar with the story of Noah already. If not, I’d suggest you read Genesis chapters 6-8 to get more context.
  3. Now watch this video in which we “pre-review” the words you already know which will occur in this chapter. We want to review vocabulary now so that later you can concentrate mainly on reading, not on reviewing old vocabulary.

Lesson 89

  1. Today you’re going to listen to all of Genesis chapter 7 being read by a rabbi in Hebrew. On the video you’ll see the Hebrew text, and the English translation of individual words will also pop up. This will help you start getting familiar with the language in this chapter. Listen carefully for words you know. If you see in the English translation that a word was just read which you should know, but you didn’t recognize it, pause the video and look carefully at the word in Hebrew. Try to sound it out. It may be in a different form than what you’re used to hearing or seeing.
  2. In our next lesson, we’ll start looking at the text chunk-by-chunk to make sure we know all the words and understand as much of the grammar as possible (everything we’ve already covered.)

Lesson 90*

  1. *Today we start reading! Print out these pages containing Genesis 7 (the entire chapter) in Hebrew.
  2. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:1-3 (the first three verses) only. What I want you to do is to try to read those verses in Hebrew, from your sheet, on your own first. Read them aloud as best you can and try to understand as much as you can. There are two words in verse three that you wouldn’t know yet, but you might be able to guess what they mean.
  3. (This is optional, but I would suggest you now go back and read the same verses over again. I bet you’ll be able to do it more easily and confidently, and you’ll likely understand a bit more the second time around. If this seems really difficult and tedious to you, go ahead and skip to the video below. I won’t repeat this optional step again, but this is my recommendation for every “chunk” of Genesis 7 that we’re reading.)
  4. Now you can listen to the video. I’ll read the verses and briefly explain the vocabulary and grammar. We’ll be learning one new word from verse 3. It’s up to you whether you’d like to take notes on the page you printed out.
  5. All new vocabulary introduced in our lessons on Genesis 7 can be found on Vocabulary List 30 in Lesson 99.

Lesson 91

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:4-5. Again, try reading the verses aloud first from the sheets you printed and see how much you can understand before watching the video. In these two verses there will be four new words we’ll be learning, and one unfamiliar verb form. Again, it’s up to you whether you take notes on the text.
  2. Next, watch the video to read the verses together and learn the new words.

Lesson 92

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:6-10. Since it’s a lot of verses, we’ll make it optional to read it on your own ahead of time. If you have time, it would be great practice. If it seems overwhelming, go ahead and watch the video in which we read the verses and introduce two new vocabulary words. Make sure you repeat aloud after me as we read the verses!

Lesson 93

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:11-12. Do your best to read the verses aloud before watching the video and understand/guess the meaning of the words. There are five new words presented in this lesson (as well as two unfamiliar verb conjugations), so don’t feel bad if you’re having trouble understanding it.
  2. Watch the video to learn the new vocabulary and read the verses together. Lots of numbers in these verses!

Lesson 94

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:13-14. Try to read just verse 13 aloud before watching the video, keeping in mind that in verse 13 there are the names of Noah’s three sons. In verse 14 we have three new vocab words, one of which occurs three times, so you can read that verse aloud AFTER watching the video.
  2. Watch the video to learn the new vocabulary and read the verses together. Hang in there guys; you’re more than halfway through the chapter!
  3. Don’t forget to try to read verse 14 aloud now that you’ve seen the video and are familiar with the new vocabulary.

Lesson 95

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:15-16. Try to read both verses aloud before watching the video. Verse 15 has no new vocabulary words, and verse 16 does have a few. Do your best to pronounce the words and guess the meaning of any words you don’t know.
  2. Watch the video to learn the new vocabulary and read the verses together.

Lesson 96

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:17-18. Since there are four new verbs introduced in these verses, I would suggest you watch the video first.
  2. Now go back and read these verses aloud on your own from your printed sheet, and try to understand the words, especially concentrating on the new verbs we learned.

Lesson 97

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:19-20. Try to read the verses aloud from your printed sheet before watching the video.
  2. Then you can watch the video to learn the new vocabulary and read the verses together.

Lesson 98

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:21-22. You can watch the video first.
  2. Now try to read the verses aloud yourself from your printed sheet and follow the meaning.

Lesson 99*

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 7:23-24, the last verses of the chapter. Congratulations on reading a whole Bible chapter in Hebrew! Read the verses aloud before watching the video. You’ll notice that there are several of our newly-learned vocabulary words repeated in verse 23.
  2. Now watch the video to read the verses together and learn one new vocabulary item.
  3. *Here is your list of new vocabulary introduced in our Genesis 7 lessons. This is Vocabulary List 30.
  4. Here are your flashcards to practice items from Vocabulary List 30.

Lesson 100

  1. Let’s review the whole chapter (Genesis 7) by listening again to it being read aloud by a rabbi. Try to repeat aloud as much as you can. Listen for the new words you’ve learned. Try to grasp the meaning of whole phrases, rather than just individual words.  Feel free to pause it if you need a moment for your brain to process what you’re seeing and hearing. You’ll hopefully find that it’s much more familiar and easy to understand than it was way back in Lesson 89!
  2. Just a note about numbers: we see certain numbers, such as 40 and 7, repeated often in this chapter and in the Bible as a whole. It seems that certain numbers can be associated with a specific meaning in the Bible. The number 40 has to do with testing or trials (think of the Israelites’ wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, or Jesus fasting and being tempted in the wilderness for 40 days). The number 7 seems to imply perfection or completeness. How do you think the numbers 40 and 7 might be significant in Genesis chapter 7?

Lesson 101

  1. We’re going to take two more lessons to re-read Genesis 7 in Hebrew. Today we’ll read verses 1 – 12. If you’ve taken notes on the text you printed before, I would suggest you NOT use that. You can print it out again or just read the PDF online if you choose. You want to try and read it entirely on your own without help from notes.
  2. Try your best to read the text aloud and understand it as you go. If you get stuck on a word and can’t figure it out, it may be one of those unfamiliar verb forms I gave you. If you find a word you don’t know and don’t feel confident guessing its meaning, look it up on BibleHub. You’ll need to type the verse number into the search bar at the top, and then scroll down to find the word you’re struggling with. Just take a look at the English meaning, but don’t spend time trying to understand the abbreviations in the morphology column. Then keep reading. Don’t get bogged down with details.

Lesson 102

  1. Today we’ll finish re-reading Genesis 7. We’ll be reading verses 13 – 24 today. Again, if you get stuck on a word, look it up on BibleHub before moving on.
  2. Congratulations on finishing the chapter! You might not feel like an expert, but I’m sure you’ve made a lot of progress in your Hebrew reading skills from working through this chapter. In the coming lessons we’ll be focusing again on some new grammar points you’ll be needing to know, and some important Bible vocabulary.

Lesson 103

  1. Today we’ll start learning about a new group of verb forms called PARTICIPLES. We’ll also look again at the word “redeemer” and its related verb form. Watch the video.
  2. Don’t be worried if you still feel a bit confused about participles. It will become clearer in coming lessons 🙂
  3. You might like to listen again to the song we heard in a previous lesson, “Adonai Tsuri ve Go’ali,” now that you are more familiar the grammar behind the word “Go’ali”!
  4. Note that you can find your next vocabulary list, number 31, on Lesson 112.

Lesson 104

  1. Watch the video to continue getting familiar with participles and learn vocabulary related to dreaming.

Lesson 105

  1. Watch the video to learn about participles used as adjectives, and learn how to stand in Hebrew.

Lesson 106

  1. Watch the video to learn about participles acting as verbs, and learn how to sit or dwell in Hebrew.

Lesson 107*

  1. *Print this worksheet and do your best to practice participles.
  2. When you’ve given it your best shot, look here at the answers. Remember that there are several possible translations when working with participles, so don’t worry if yours are a little different from those given in the answer key.

Lesson 108

  1. Today we’ll learn a bit about what strong and weak verbs are. We’ll also learn important words related to the Messiah.  Watch the video. Note that when the video of me disappears into a blob of colors, that’s intentional. My video was getting in the way 🙂

Lesson 109

  1. Watch the video for a little more on weak verbs, and to learn the “shepherd” verb.

Lesson 110

  1. Watch the video to learn about weak verbs whose root starts with YOD, and the verb for “to go, to walk.”

Lesson 111

  1. Watch the video to learn about weak verbs whose root starts with NUN. We’ll also learn the word for salvation and see how it relates to Jesus’ name.

Lesson 112**

  1. *Today we’ll review weak verbs with this worksheet. You can refer to the vocabulary list below and older vocabulary lists to help you if necessary.
  2. When you’ve done your best with the worksheet on your own, you can check your answers.
  3. *Here is your Vocabulary List 31 (Lessons 103 – 112).
  4. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 31.

Lesson 113

  1. Today we’ll start talking about the imperative form of verbs, the form used for commands and requests.  Watch the video for an introduction to imperatives, and we’ll learn the word for truth/faithfulness often used to describe God and His Word.
  2. Note that you’ll find your next vocabulary list, number 32, on Lesson 121.

Lesson 114

  1. Watch the video to learn the feminine singular imperative form, and the word for asking/inquiring of the Lord. Don’t forget to inquire of Him first when you have a problem!

Lesson 115

  1. Watch the video to learn the masculine plural imperative form, and words for being strong! Don’t forget that we are commanded to be strong and courageous, so it’s something we can obey with His help. It comes from trusting in Who He is and in His promises!

Lesson 116

  1. Watch the video to review imperative forms with some verses, and to learn the word for love!

Lesson 117

  1. We’re going to take two lessons to read and memorize Psalm 115:1. Watch the video to read the verse together. Be sure to repeat it out loud several times. Make sure you are familiar with all the words used in the verse, and start trying to memorize at least the first part of the verse. We’ll work on it more in the next lesson.

Lesson 118

  1. Today we’ll try to finish memorizing Psalm 115:1. You’ll probably want to refer to the video from the previous lesson to hear it again and practice it together. Make sure you understand the grammar in the verse. When you’ve got it memorized, say it to someone! If you still don’t feel confident, I’d encourage you to keep working on it a little each day until you do.

Lesson 119

  1. Watch the video to learn one way in which Hebrew makes negative commands, and we’ll read one of the ten commandments in the original as well as learn the word for “Sabbath.”
  2. Don’t forget to keep working on memorizing Psalm 115:1 if you haven’t already.

Lesson 120

  1. Watch the video to learn the other way in which Hebrew makes negative commands, and learn an important verb.

Lesson 121*

  1. Watch the video to review negative commands, and learn how to tell someone “don’t be afraid”!
  2. *Here is your Vocabulary List 32 with words from lessons 113 to 121.
  3. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 32.

Lesson 122

  1. Watch the video for a lesson on QAMATS-QATAN, and learn the word for family.
  2. Note that you’ll find your next vocabulary list, number 33, on Lesson 128.

Lesson 123

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to the INFINITIVE CONSTRUCT verb form, and a few new vocabulary items.

Lesson 124

  1. Watch the video for more on the infinitive construct form, and the word for “ears.”

Lesson 125

  1. Watch the video for more on the infinitive construct form, and a useful verb.

Lesson 126

  1. Watch the video to learn about adding personal suffixes to infinitive construct forms, and a couple useful vocabulary words.

Lesson 127

  1. Watch the video to review infinitive construct forms, learn the verb for “to be able,” and read two entire verses!

Lesson 128**

  1. *Do your best to complete this worksheet on the infinitive construct forms. When you’ve given it your best shot, check your answers below.
  2. Check the answer sheet. Remember, for many of the forms there are several different possible answers. Context will often help you determine whether a form should be translated as past, present, etc.
  3. *Here is your Vocabulary List 33 (Lessons 122-128).
  4. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 33 (Lessons 122-128).

Lesson 129

  1. Today we’re going to start focusing more on getting familiar with, one of the most useful Hebrew Bible tools online. One of our goals for the rest of this course is to get you using this site confidently to enable you to continue your study of the Hebrew Bible after the course ends.
  2. Watch this video on how to use to analyze particular verses in Hebrew as well as to find specific Hebrew words and where they are used in the Bible. Please watch carefully even if you learned about in Hebrew 1.
  3. NOTE: When using the morphology column on, remember that:
    1. Perfect is another name for QATAL
    2. Imperfect is another name for YIQTOL
    3. Conjunctive Perfect is another name for WEQATAL
    4. Consecutive Imperfect is another name for WAYIQTOL

Lesson 130

  1. Today let’s get some practice using BibleHub to reinforce some things we learned a few lessons ago.
  2. Go to and try to look up the word we learned in Lesson 125,יָצָא (YATSA’), meaning to go out or come out. When you’ve found its page, look down the left side. What are some of the different ways this verb could be used? Next, look down the right side at some of the places where this word occurs. Click on some of them and look at the verses in Hebrew and in English. You could scroll down to the long list in blue of the different forms of YATSA’ (different conjugations, subjects, objects, etc.). Click a few of those and take a look at them. You can see that this is a very common verb. How many times does it occur in the Bible?
  3. Now, go up to the search bar on BibleHub and look up the verse we read in Lesson 125. It was Genesis 8:18. If it’s not in “up-and-down” format I’d suggest you click again on “Hebrew” to get it into that easier-to-read format. Look at the entries for each word.
  4. Finally, type in the other verse we read, Joshua 2:5. Read it over. You actually know a lot more of the words from this verse than we read together back in Lesson 125. Feel free to click around and make use of the helps offered to help you understand it.

Lesson 131

  1. Watch the video for three new vocabulary words which remind us of God’s care for us, and see how they are used in the Psalms.
  2. Note that you can find your next vocabulary list, number 34, on Lesson 139.

Lesson 132

  1. Go to and look up each of the three words we learned in Lesson 131. Look at the different shades of meaning for each one. For each of the words, look up at least two verses where the word occurs. Try to read each verse aloud (using the Hebrew, not the English transcription). Note that you’ll see extra markings in the Hebrew text (I believe we referred to them as “doo-hickeys” in a previous lesson). You can ignore those.
  2. Feel free to keep looking at more verses. It can get kind of addictive, especially as you start understanding more of what you’re seeing. If you like, you can look up the word for womb…remember it shares the same root as the words we learned for compassion and compassionate.

Lesson 133

  1. Watch the video for three new vocabulary words. We’ll see a connection between a Hebrew Psalm and Jesus’ words on the cross.

Lesson 134

  1. Go again to Let’s start by searching for Psalm 51:4 in Hebrew. Read it over carefully. Try to determine which words you know already and what parts of speech are present. Click on the second word, levadekha. This is an unusual word from the Hebrew root bad/vad. Take a look at a few other examples of its use in the Bible.
  2. Staying in Psalm 51:4, look at the two examples of infinitive construct forms. Can you identify them? (Hint: look for V-Qal-Inf.) You know both of the verbs.
  3. Now find the verb “to sin” in the verse and click the Strong’s number to see a few more examples of its use in the Bible. I’d especially suggest you look at Ecclesiastes 7:20, because I think you’ll know all the words in the verse.
  4. When you’ve done that, go ahead and find the word we learned meaning “appointed time” and take a look at the ways it’s used in other verses.
  5. Then look up the word we learned for why. HINT: Lamah is not an independent word, so you’ll need to look up ma, meaning “what,” and then find the form lamah in the list of different forms (scroll down to the lower left side of the page). Check out some of the other places where this word occurs.

Lesson 135

  1. Watch the video to learn about the “valley of the shadow of death” in Hebrew.

Lesson 136

  1. Go to and take some time to find other verses using the words for shadow, death, shadow of death, and valley. Try to read the verses aloud and take a look at the morphology column for each one.

Lesson 137

  1. I’m not going to tell you today’s vocabulary words; you’re going to find them yourself. Go to and look up the word for door. When you find it, look at the “phonetic spelling” line to see how it’s pronounced. HINT: if you see an apostrophe after a syllable, it means that syllable is stressed, or pronounced with more emphasis.
  2. Now look up at least three examples of the use of the word door in the Bible. Try to scroll down and find examples using slightly different forms of the word, such as plural or construct form or including a possessive suffix. Try your best to read the verses aloud and understand what’s going on in the verses, both in terms of grammar and what the verse might be about.
  3. Now follow the same steps for the Hebrew word for sun.

Lesson 138

  1. Watch the video to learn about an important word meaning “there is/are” and used in talking about having things.

Lesson 139*

  1. Today we’ll use to learn about the word that is the opposite of “yesh,” which you learned in the previous lesson. We’ve actually see a form of this word before – ‘ayin – when we were studying Genesis 7:6-10. But today we’ll look at the most common form of it – ‘en – which means both there is no …, and also can be used to say to have no...
  2. Look at this list of occurrences of this form in the Bible. First, scroll down to the entry for 2 Kings 5:18 and click it. Look at the words of the verse carefully. See how much you know and can understand. Look especially at how the word ‘en is used to mean there is no... It’s the opposite of the way we saw yesh used in our previous lesson, when David said “there is a God in Israel” (1 Samuel 17:46). In this verse, Naaman the Syrian is speaking these words after he was healed of leprosy.
  3. Next we’ll look at a verse where this form is used to mean not having something. Go back to the list of verses where the ‘en form occurs, and click on 2 Kings 4:14. Who doesn’t have what in this verse? You might need to look at the verse or chapter in your English Bible to get the context of what’s going on. Do you see how it’s used in the same way as yesh, but with a negative meaning?
  4. Now look up at least two other verses from the list and look carefully at the whole verse, but especially at how ‘en is used.
  5. *Here is your Vocabulary List 34 (Lessons 311 – 319).
  6. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 34.

Lesson 140

  1. We’re now going to take a few lessons to briefly review all the different verb conjugations we’ve learned. After that we’re going to talk about verb stems, which will be our last new grammar topic for this course.
  2. Re-watch this video from Lesson 49 to review both QATAL and YIQTOL conjugations. Remember that as the video moves through the slides showing the forms for each person, the first form given (with the suffixes highlighted) is QATAL, while the second form (with the prefixes highlighted) is YIQTOL. Remember also that QATAL often refers to something in the past, while YIQTOL often refers to something in the future (although not always).
  3. We’re going to learn a new verb today too.  Go to this page on to see your new verb. As you can see, it’s pronounced LAH-MAHD and it can mean either to learn or to teach (depending on the context).
  4. Go to this page and look at each of the four verses listed where this verb is used in a YIQTOL form. You will probably know quite a bit of the stuff in these verses!
  5. Go to this page and look at Proverbs 30:3, where this verb is used in a QATAL form.

Lesson 141

  1. Today we’ll review the WAYIQTOL conjugation. Re-watch this video from Lesson 54 to refresh your memory on this conjugation. You may skip the bubble-bursting part at the beginning if you want 🙂
  2. Review these vocabulary words from Vocabulary List 27.

Lesson 142

  1. Today we’ll review the WEQATAL conjugation. Re-watch this video from Lesson 57 to refresh your memory on this conjugation.
  2. Review these vocabulary words from Vocabulary List 28.

Lesson 143

  1. Today we’ll review PARTICIPLES. Here is a video to help you review.
  2. Review these vocabulary words from Vocabulary List 29.

Lesson 144

  1. Today we’ll review IMPERATIVES. Watch this video again from Lesson 116 to help refresh your memory.
  2. Review these vocabulary words from Vocabulary List 30.

Lesson 145

  1. Today we’ll finish our review of the verb conjugations we’ve done so far by re-watching a video from Lesson 127 on infinitive construct forms.
  2. Review these vocabulary words from Vocabulary List 31.

Lesson 146

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to the infinitive absolute conjugation. We’ll only be spending two lessons on this. You’ll also learn the word for book!

Lesson 147

  1. Watch the video to practice the infinitive absolute some more, and learn three new vocabulary words. You’ll be looking up each of the practice verses in the video on You can type the reference in the search bar and then click “Hebrew.” Look first of all at the use of the infinitive absolute in each verse, and decide if it’s the “emphasis” use or the “commandment” use. Look at the other words in the verse and try to understand what you’re reading using the information in the four columns.
  2. Don’t worry if you don’t have today’s vocabulary mastered yet. We’ll see these words again in the next lesson on

Lesson 148

  1. Today we’ll look up the three vocabulary words from yesterday on Look up each word in turn. For each one, read the definitions given in the Brown-Driver-Briggs  section (this is a lexicon, similar to a dictionary), then find look up at least two verses using the word and examine them. Be sure to repeat each word aloud several times, not only in its basic form but also in any different form you may see in the verses. Vocabulary words stick in our memories better if we can associate them with specific verses.
  2. The three words (in English) were: utterance, possession, and sojourner. You can click “Hebrew” and then type each of the words in English in the search bar to find the Hebrew.

Lesson 149

  1. Today we’ll start learning about our last major grammar topic for this course: the binyanim! Watch the video for an intro to this topic and a new verb.

Lesson 150

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to our first binyan, called PIEL. We’ll see it in action in two verbs that we’ve encountered before.

Lesson 151

  1. Watch the video to learn more about PIEL and learn two new verbs which often appear in Piel: to shout for joy and to bless! Why don’t you practice your verbs and shout for joy and bless the Lord before this day is over?

Lesson 152

  1. Today we don’t have a video, but we’ll explore PIEL a little more using
  2. First of all, let’s go to the entry for the verb for “to bless,” barakh. Scroll down to look at the Brown-Driver-Briggs lexicon entry on the left side. You’ll first see there that there is a little intro to the word and comparison to other related languages like Arabic. Skip that part and go down a little further to where you see Qal in bold brown type. That section is where you find examples of the verb being used in the Qal binyan. Scroll down to section 2-a, where it gives examples of “blessed” when talking about God. Click any of them and look at the word for blessed. It’s an important one that I would memorize, and found in the famous phrase “Barukh haShem,” which literally means “Blessed be the Name” and is used by devout Jews as a respectful substitute for saying the divine Name, which they regard as too holy to be pronounced. What part of speech is this word?
  3. Now scroll down more to the Piel section, also marked with the word Pi’el (that’s another way to spell Piel) in bold brown type. You can see it’s quite long; this verb is frequently used in Piel. Click three or four verses and explore the use of this verb. You’ll also see other binyanim mentioned in this section; we’ll be covering those more in coming lessons.
  4. OK, now let’s go to the entry for the new verb we’re going to learn today. It’s the verb halal, which can mean shine but more often means to praise. Go again to the Brown-Driver-Briggs entry. This is a little difficult to navigate sometimes; scroll down to section 2-d, under Pi’el, which starts with the words “Note especially: praise ye Yah!” Click any of the verses in this little section. What do they all include? HINT (highlight to read): (Hallelujah!) What does this phrase mean? (Remember that YAH is a name of God.) What binyan and conjugation is the verb in these verses?
  5. OK, let’s put it all together. Read this verse. It’s not required, but you totally should memorize it. You know all the words in it, it has amen and hallelujah, not to mention barukh…what more could you ask for in a verse?

Lesson 153*

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to our next binyan, called PUAL. We’ll just spend this one day on this binyan.
  2. *Here is your Vocabulary List 35 (Lessons 140 to 152). This is the last vocabulary list that will be provided to you. From now on, you’ll be recording your own vocabulary to learn.
  3. Here are your flashcards for Vocabulary List 35.

Lesson 154

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to the next binyan, called NIFAL. We’ll only spend one day on this binyan.
  2. From now on, you’ll need to find a way to record and keep track of new vocabulary you want to learn. You could just make a list; you could additionally make physical or digital flashcards. I would definitely suggest you try to learn the words we’ll be introducing in the next few lessons, since they are common and important for reading the Bible.

Lesson 155

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to the next binyan, called HITPAEL. We’ll spend one day on this binyan.

Lesson 156

  1. Watch the video for an introduction to the next binyan, called HIFIL. We’ll be spending three lessons on this one.

Lesson 157

  1. Watch the video to learn a new verb and see it in action in HIFIL.
  2. You should also look up Exodus 33:14 (mentioned in the video) on to see it in the Hebrew. You’ll see today’s new verb used in the WEQATAL conjugation in the HIFIL binyan. Don’t forget His presence is with you, and so you have rest!

Lesson 158

  1. Watch the video for one more verb commonly used in HIFIL.

Lesson 159*

  1. Watch the video to learn about our last binyan, called HOFAL.
  2. *Here is a summary of all the binyanim, including their names, voice/type of action indicated by the binyan, and some clues to recognizing each binyan in both QATAL/WEQATAL and YIQTOL/WAYIQTOL.

Lesson 160*

  1. *Today we’ll practice all the binyanim. Here is your practice worksheet. Your job is to identify the root, conjugation (such as YIQTOL, QATAL, etc.), and binyan (such as PIEL, NIFIL, etc.) for each verb in bold. Each non-QAL binyan will be represented once on there. You can refer to your binyan summary sheet from Lesson 159.
  2. If you get stuck, look up the reference on and check out the morphology column for some insight into which conjugation and binyan it is. Remember that on Lesson 129 you have a list of the conjugation names on and what they mean.

Lesson 161

  1. From now through Lesson 179, we’ll be reading Genesis 3:1-15 in Hebrew. There will be no videos by me, but you’ll be practicing reading on your own using You’ll be responsible for choosing the vocabulary words you want to learn along the way (and I’ll have some suggestions), and for recording them, making flashcards, etc. The goal is not only to read this well-known chapter in Hebrew (which is pretty cool), but also to practice using for independent study after the completion of this course.
  2. On Lesson 180 I’ll give you a few tips on continuing your study of Hebrew.
  3. Before we get started, let me give you this link to a helpful video of Genesis 3 being read aloud in Hebrew, with the Hebrew and English text. You’ll want to use this often to make sure you’re pronouncing the words correctly. Your assignment for today is to listen to verses 1 – 15 in the video, and see how many words and phrases you can recognize. We’re trying to get familiar with the passage before we begin a detailed reading. Feel free to listen to it a second time! You might understand a bit more than the first time.

Lesson 162

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:1. Go ahead and look it up on (in the Hebrew, of course). Just go word by word on the text analysis page, reading each word aloud, looking at the morphology to make sure you understand all the pieces, and clicking on the Strong’s number for any word you’re not very familiar with.
  2. If you find an unfamiliar word, and after clicking the Strong’s number you realize that it’s a word you’ve never learned, then you’ll need to decide if it’s one you want to memorize. My suggestion would be to memorize it if you see that it occurs at least 50 times in the Bible or if it’s found in a verse that’s extra special or interesting to you. After you’ve decided to memorize it, use whatever system works best for you to record it and practice it. Keep in mind that you need to always be reviewing previously learned words. Don’t think that just because you wrote it on your list that you’ll still remember it a week or a month later. Try to come up with a system for reviewing older words even as you’re learning new ones.
  3. I believe there’s only one new word in verse one – the word for “cunning.” It occurs 11 times in the Bible, but is not that hard to learn and is important for this passage; I’ll leave it up to you whether you memorize it or not. Take this chance to review all the other words in this verse which you’ve already learned.
  4. Make sure you pay close attention to the verbs – which conjugation they are, which binyan, whether they seem irregular in their form, etc. Verbs are more challenging than other parts of speech.

Lesson 163

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:2 on You have seen this verse before if you took Hebrew 1 with me, but you didn’t know as much back then 🙂 Follow the same procedure that we outlined in the last lesson.
  2. You’ll definitely want to memorize the word for fruit! It’s very common, as you can see.
  3. Look carefully at the verbs. You’ll notice that the English translation given on doesn’t always match the exact literal meaning of the word. For example, the word translated as “we may eat” just literally means “we shall eat” or “we will eat.” Taking it in context, however, we can translate it as “we may eat.”

Lesson 164

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:3 on
  2. You’ll notice a new verb in this verse, which I do suggest you memorize.
  3. You can take this opportunity to review the plural “you” form of YIQTOL, since you’ll see it three times in this verse.
  4. Special note: in the last verb in the verse, you’ll see in the morphology section the abbreviation Pn, which stand for “paragogic nun.” That means a letter nun which is sometimes added to the end of certain verb forms. Scholars don’t know exactly why this was done, but it doesn’t change the general meaning of the word.

Lesson 165

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:4 on
  2. Notice the use of the infinitive absolute to emphasize the verb which follows, and how that infinitive absolute form is translated “surely” rather than its literal meaning of something like “dying.” By the way, make sure you’re familiar with the verb meaning to die. It’s occurring a lot in these passages!
  3. Notice the paragogic nun occurs again in this verse with the same verb which we saw in Lesson 164.
  4. Since today’s verse is pretty short, take a few minutes to review flashcards from Vocabulary List 32.

Lesson 166

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:5.
  2. In this verse you’ll come across participles and an infinitive construct form. If you feel like you need a review of these, you can go back to the lessons on these topics by using FI to search this page, or refer to the course syllabus to find the appropriate lesson.
  3. You’ll also come across a new verb in Nifal. Click that verb and examine it a bit; it’s up to you whether you want to memorize it. The meaning given, “musterings, expenses,” seems a bit strange to me. Sometimes you’ll see confusing definitions like that in the Strong’s Concordance section. Just ignore it and look at the right side, at how the word is translated in the verses (“open”), and read over the Brown-Driver-Briggs explanation.

Lesson 167

  1. Today you’ll be reading Genesis 3:6.
  2. As always, try to examine each word and understand why it is what it is. This verse may be a bit more challenging than the previous ones. You’ll see a Nifal and a Hifil form here. Try to remember what voice or type of action is indicated by each of those binyanim (and remember than for some binyanim there could be more than one possibility) and figure out what’s going on in the ones in this verse.

Lesson 168

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:7.
  2. There are a number of new words here, and some of them are not so common. You can decide which you’d like to memorize.
  3. Notice how a number can be combined with a possessive ending to make a phrase like “the two of them.”
  4. It might be especially interesting to look at the word for covering and see what it actually means. Some English translations make this clear, and others do not.

Lesson 169

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:8. Be sure to analyze each word using your tools. Also make sure you’re pronouncing the words aloud. Remember that you can use the YouTube video I gave you earlier to guide you with pronunciation.
  2. Notice the two Hitpael verbs here. Review the type of action(s) expressed by Hitpael verbs, and try to understand what each of these verbs is expressing in this verse.

Lesson 170

  1. Today you’ll be reading Genesis 3:9-10, two verses.
  2. Notice that in verse 10, you see the same verb which we saw in Hitpael in verse 8, except now it is in Nifal. Can you tell what the difference in meaning/type of action might be? Be aware that sometimes there might not be a really clear-cut difference in meaning.

Lesson 171

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:11. As always, use your tools to analyze each word and understand what’s going on.
  2. Note that we recently saw part of this verse in our discussion of Hifil. Review Hifil briefly, as well as this common verb often used in Hifil.
  3. Look up and learn the word translated “not” in this verse. It occurs frequently elsewhere.

Lesson 172

  1. Today you’ll read Genesis 3:12.
  2. Take this chance to review the different forms of the weak verb natan, to give.

Lesson 173

  1. Today we’re reading Genesis 3:13.
  2. Pay attention to the Hifil verb in this verse. Look the verb up and notice how it’s used almost entirely in the Hifil binyan.

Lesson 174

  1. Today we’ll read Genesis 3:14.
  2. I would suggest you learn the word translated as “cursed.” Look it up and check out what part of speech it actually is.
  3. The word for “belly” is new, but (as you can see) only used twice in the Bible. If you look it up, you’ll see that it’s only used to refer to reptile bellies, not human bellies.

Lesson 175

  1. Today we’ll read Genesis 3:15. This is a famous verse that is regarded as the first prophecy about the coming of Jesus in the Old Testament. Can you tell where the reference to Jesus is in the verse? You’ll get a clue if you look at the English translation column and see certain words capitalized. Those words refer to Jesus. He is the seed (or descendant) of the woman (Eve), who would come and “bruise” Satan’s head, while Satan would “bruise” Jesus’ heel.
  2. You have some new vocabulary here you can decide about memorizing. Take a moment to look up the word for “bruise” (actually you should be looking up all the words anyway!). Note especially how it’s used in Psalm 139.

Lesson 176

  1. Today we’re going to go back and try to read a chunk of Genesis 3, which we’ve already studied, a bit faster and more fluently.
  2. Go to this page, which shows all of Genesis 3 in Hebrew. You can get to this page by typing in Genesis 3 and then clicking Hebrew (or the other way around).
  3. Read aloud the first section, Genesis 3:1-7 in Hebrew, and try to understand without looking anything up. How did you do?

Lesson 177

  1. Today we’re going to read the second chunk of Genesis 3 a bit faster and more fluently.
  2. Go to the Genesis 3 page, and read (aloud) verses 8 to 15, again trying to understand as you go.

Lesson 178

  1. We’re almost done! Today, go back and review any single verse from Genesis 3 that you found challenging. Click things to go deeper, review grammar topics, etc. Do whatever you need to do you feel a bit more comfortable with the verse.

Lesson 179

  1. Let’s go back and review the flashcards from Vocabulary List 33.
  2. Let’s go back and review the flashcards  from Vocabulary List 34.
  3. Here’s a beautiful song in Modern Hebrew with English subtitles but no Hebrew text. See how many words you can pick out, but mostly just enjoy the song and don’t forget to keep your eyes on Yeshua!
  4. Tomorrow we finish the course! I’ll have some farewell tips for you to continue your learning of Hebrew.

Lesson 180

  1. Congratulations! Finishing two years of Hebrew is quite an accomplishment. Watch the video for a short discussion of what you’ve accomplished and where to go from here with learning Hebrew.
  2. Here are some additional resources you can use for further study/practice of Hebrew:
    1. YouTube channel: Aleph with Beth. We made use of a few videos in the course, but there are many more. These are wonderful for practice of a variety of grammar and vocabulary topics, and they are entirely in Hebrew!
    2. YouTube playlist: Ted Hildebrandt biblicalelearning. You can find many chapters of the Old Testament read aloud in Hebrew with the Hebrew and English text. This is a great help for making sure your pronunciation is as accurate as possible.
    3. Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar, by Gary D Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt (3rd Edition). This is a very intense but excellent textbook for serious Hebrew students. Much of what you see will be familiar from our course, but it goes into much more detail with grammar, has much more vocabulary, and extra practice materials can be purchased separately.
    4. If you want to buy a Hebrew Bible, I’d recommend you get one that includes the words Reader’s Edition in the title. You can search for them on Amazon and look at what helps they offer. Usually they will include notes that define less common words and even help with grammar. They make reading the Bible much easier and more enjoyable for those of us who are not experts.
  3. I hope you enjoyed the courses, and most of all I hope you get to know God and His Word better through learning Hebrew. May the Lord bless you all.
  4. Take the poll to help other students in their course planning.

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