Tener que, Hay que

You have already learned the verb TENER (to have). TENER is a very important verb.  It is used to express something one “has to” do.  It is also used in many expressions that do not translate easily to English.  These are called IDIOMS.

Tener plus que image

TENER + QUE + INFINITIVE means that someone “has to do something”. “Tener” will be conjugated appropriately for the person doing the action and the second verb (in the infinitive) will express the action that they “have to do”.   Don’t forget “que”!   This is a 3 part verb!

You will know learn about those idioms and how to use TENER with QUE.  When using Tener + que, you must conjugate it correctly and use the infinitive of the action verb:

  • Tengo que hablar por teléfono
  • Paco tiene que estudiar para la clase de ciencias.

Hay plus que image


HAY + QUE + INFINITIVE means that “one must do something” or “it’s necessary”. This compound verb is very simple in that you do not even need to conjugate anything. “Hay” stays the same because it refers to “one” which is vague and then the second verb (in the infinitive) will express the action that they “must do”. Don’t forget “que”! This is a 3 part verb!

